WWF Nepal, the global conservation organization leading international efforts for a living planet, calls for the following proposal:

Preparation of ‘Barandabhar Forest Conservation Area’ Management Plan

WWF Nepal is closely working with the Government of Nepal to stop the degradation of Nepal’s natural environment, and to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature. WWF Nepal’s focus has progressed from its localized efforts in conservation of a single species in the 1960s, to integrated conservation and development approach in 1990s, to a new horizon of landscape-level conservation approach encompassing national, regional and global scales of complexity to address contemporary conservation threats and challenges. After the initiation of landscape approach of conservation in Nepal in the early 2000s, Ministry of Forests and Environment and WWF Nepal developed Terai Arc Landscape program as a joint initiative to deliver conservation outcomes.

Barandabhar Forest Conservation Area serves as a biological corridor connecting Nepal’s two conservation landscapes-the Terai Arc Landscape in Nepal’s low-lying plains with the Chitwan Annapurna Landscape (CHAL) in the mid-hills and high mountains. Barandabhar FCA is facing several challenges like illegal timber collection, inappropriate land use, and forest encroachment due to increasing urbanization, human-wildlife conflict, linear infrastructure development which need to be addressed. 

WWF Nepal seeks the services of a consultant to develop an integrated and comprehensive management Plan of Barandabhar Forest Conservation Area addressing existing and future threats and challenges of conservation and management.

Interested VAT registered organizations in Nepal are requested to submit technical and financial proposals providing a detailed breakdown of total budget in Nepali rupees, electronically to proposals-forests@wwfnepal.org.
Please mention “Proposal - Barandabhar FCA Management Plan” as an email subject and submit the proposal by 5 p.m. Nepal Standard Time, April 3 2025.

Further details can be accessed through the ToR which can be downloaded here.
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Telephone inquiries are not entertained.
WWF Nepal reserves the rights to reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons.
WWF is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Please join us in our mission to save life on Earth.
ToR Barandabhar FCA Management Plan