The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
WWF Nepal believes conservation education plays a key role in achieving conservation results and sustainable development. Initiated in 1994 with the launch of its first ecoclub in Bardia, WWF Nepal and has continued to invest and expand its program to empower, encourage and motivate young people. As a cross cutting theme, conservation education is integrated across all of WWF Nepal's major program priorities, with an ambitious goal of educating, engaging, and empowering a wide network of young people.
The program strongly emphasizes on school and youth outreach programs through learning by doing paradigms and works towards ensuring equitable access to educational resources, promoting social action models, and developing a nationwide youth network to build pro-environment and biodiversity values among the next generation. WWF Nepal aims to promote practice-based priorities and leverage on partnerships with likeminded national and international organizations to expand youth outreach, enable growth and scalability to solve the biggest challenges facing the environment.

© WWF Nepal

With global youth populations projected to rise by year 2030, youth should be given the opportunity to meaningfully participate and contribute in decision-making processes to secure a sustainable planet.
WWF Nepal's conservation education program along with the global youth engagement and education community works to support global youth mobilization and leadership to empower youth to become change makers, mobilizers, and leaders, and reduce pressure on natural systems and protect global biodiversity.

WWF Nepal seeks to build and promote pro-environment values through learning by doing paradigms, to increase awareness and embed conservation values among children during their formative development stages. WWF Nepal actively works to improve availability and equitable distribution of educational resources and materials with a focus on WWF Nepal’s projects and priorities.

The Generation Green (TGG) is WWF Nepal's flagship youth program that seeks to strengthen the engagement of Nepal’s youth in conservation and promote smart choices for the environment. It aims to create a generation of Nepali youth, committed to sustainable development and biodiversity conservation that effectively engages and influences wider stakeholders in conservation.
WWF Nepal actively engages in fostering a new generation of able conservation champions through its youth outreach programs. The program aims to improve engagement and empower youth to participate in setting and taking forward conservation agendas. The program intends to engage youth in an innovative and deliberate cycle—from eco-club member to conservation leader.