The WWF is run at a local level by the following offices...
WWF Nepal has supported the formulation of the National Climate Change Policy 2019, to conduct landscape level vulnerability assessments for the Terai Arc Landscape and Chitwan Annapurna Landscape, and formulation of the climate-smart Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Management Plan for the Eastern Himalayan Landscape.
WWF Nepal has also provided technical support to integrate climate change in protected area management plans. At the local level, WWF Nepal supports local governments, community based organizations and local communities in formulating and implementing local adaptation plans/disaster and climate resilience plans and integrated watershed management plans. WWF Nepal is also actively engaged in enhancing access to renewable and energy efficient technologies in climate vulnerable areas.
As a GEF and GCF Agency/entity, WWF Nepal has supported the Government of Nepal in accessing multilateral funding, whereas as a member of the Nationally Determined Contributions drafting committee and member in relevant National Adaptation Plan thematic working groups, WWF provides technical support to the Ministry of Forests and Environment.
Climate change affects the poorest and most vulnerable communities who are reliant on nature and its ecosystems for livelihoods. Climate-induced disasters (landslides, floods, drought) pose considerable threats to mountain ecosystems and their people. For instance, forest fires are emerging as a major threat to biodiversity and communities, exacerbated by extended dry spells. Recent trends show an increase in climate related uncertainties along with a rise in frequency and intensity of natural hazards, also resulting in wider social disparities.
Nepal is one of the most vulnerable countries to Climate change. Nepal’s topography, fragile geology and sensitive ecosystems make nature and communities more vulnerable to climate change exacerbated by poverty, social disparities and dependency on natural resources for livelihoods.
Our goal is to mitigate climate change impacts, and build and protect climate resiliance for people and nature.

WWF Nepal’s goal is to mitigate climate change impacts to protect people and nature by supporting national climate ambitions for reducing emissions in WWF priority areas of Nepal’s NDCs. This, though a focus on maintaing forest coverage and supporting energy efficiency and energy efficient behavior.
WWF Nepal's key strategies in climate and energy lies in improving knowledge and understanding of climate change impacts on species, ecosystems and human communities, while enhancing community and species resilience through implementation of locally led adaptation, and a focus on nature-based solutions prioritizing vulnerable communities and improving their access to renewable and energy efficient technologies.
WWF Nepal intends to support formulation of national strategies and frameworks contributing to international commitments on climate change by building capacity of key stakeholders in international negotiations, national biodiversity, climate and energy discourse, gender and social inclusion in climate actions that lead to mainstreaming climate change in policies and planning at federal, provincial, and local level.

Nepal’s topography, fragile geology and sensitive ecosystems make nature and communities more vulnerable to climate change exacerbated by poverty, social disparities and dependency on natural resources for livelihoods.
Additionally, inadequate understanding of climate change impacts and issues, lack of studies, research and basic data are primary challenges for Nepal. This results in inadequate mainstreaming of climate change into conservation and development process.
Furthermore, inadequate communication, insitutional capacity, and coordination among multiple government and non-government agencies at local, provincial and federal levels of governance and across different sectors and stakeholders make addressing climate change a bigger challenge, exacerbated by lack of financial resources, and technology transfer. The Paris Agreement provision to limit global average temperature rise to 1.5°C results in lower risks for Nepal when compared to the current trajectory of 2°C or above.

Nepal’s commitment to reduce green-house gas emissions and address climate change impacts through adaptation will need substantial international financing, technology transfer and capacity building. Nepal has formulated various policies, strategies and action plans to address and mainstream climate change in priority sectors; as identified by the Vulnerability and Risk Assessment and identifying Adaptation Options 2021 and its thematic assessments.
Nepal’s National Climate Change Policy 2019 aims to reduce vulnerabilities of communities, build resilience of ecosystems, mobilize international financial resources in a just manner to contribute to socio-economic prosperity of the nation by building a climate resilient society. Nepal has submitted its second National Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) for the period of 2021-2030, which aims to reduce emissions from agriculture, forestry and other land-use; energy; industrial processes and product use (IPPU); and waste. Nepal’s Long-term Strategy for Net-Zero Emissions 2021 aims to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emission by 2045. Nepal’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) sets out priority programs in the nine thematic sectors to address climate vulnerabilities and risks in short (2025), medium (2035), and long-term (2050), as well as adaptation actions that contribute to the achievement of national economic and development priorities.